Meta Launches Community Chats For Facebook, Messenger Users

Meta has announced that it will start enabling users to start community chats directly from  Facebook and Messenger to enable people to engage in real-time with larger communities over shared interests.

According to a statement on the Facebook blog, Meta will begin testing the ability for people to start Community Chats in Messenger in the coming weeks to allow people to create a Facebook Group, start chats and audio channels, and invite others to join their new group all within the app.

They are also planning to expand the chat experience to more Facebook Groups. Essentially, the Community Chats feature in Messenger will allow users to form a Facebook Group, start chats and audio channels as well as invite others to join their new group.

Community Chats will allow people to connect more deeply with communities in real time around the topics they care about in multiple formats, including text, audio and video.

The Community Chats experience is expected to blend smoothly with Messenger and Facebook Groups enabling users to connect according to their preferences.

This means that the feature will allow group admins to start a conversation about a topic and get in-the-moment responses instead of waiting for people to comment on a post.

It will also allow the person who created the chat to organize them into different categories. This will save other group members from having to navigate multiple topics in a single Messenger group chat and help them find the most interesting subject.

How it works


Meta Launches Community Chats For Facebook, Messenger Users
Meta Launches Community Chats For Facebook, Messenger Users

Admins will be able to choose from several options to help their communities connect including starting a chat for group members around a specific topic, an event chat for an outing or a meetup.

The admin can also share a view-only broadcast chat for admins to announce group-wide updates and an admin-only chat to collaborate with admins and moderators.

Admins can create audio channels to allow group members to share live commentary or receive real-time support. Participants also have the option to enable video once they’re in the audio channel.

Facebook has developed a robust suite of tools to help admins efficiently manage both chat and audio experiences given the more public nature of Community Chats.

This includes moderation capabilities like blocking, muting or suspending group members, and removing members or messages.

Using the admin Assist feature, the admins can customize criteria that will automatically suspend users, remove reported messages, and stop messages from ineligible authors or containing violating content from being sent.

Members of Community Chats can also report messages to group admins or Meta, block users or leave a chat at any time.