Best Shitcoins To Buy In 2022

Best Shitcoins To Buy In 2022

If you are an early investor, you may be aware of the term “Shitcoins”. But, if you are new to this market, these coins are the ones that do not have any particular function, more info here. Also, these are in general meme coins.

Shitcoins have lower market values in a general sense and also these are undervalued projects. If you want to try your luck with these tokens, carry out thorough research about them. You can also get a good amount of ideas from this blog.

Top Shitcoins To Buy This Year

If you want to take risks and want to try something new in the Crypto market, you can try Shitcoins like the meme coins. But, selecting the correct kind of digital currency to invest in is very difficult because there are innumerable numbers of tokens and projects.

So to make it easier to a certain extent, we have tried to list the best of the Shitcoins that you can acquire at present. These are:

  • Dogecoin:

It is the most famous Shitcoin available. After its launch in 2013, it was not so popular amongst investors. Also, the trading of this coin was going down. But, this coin has become famous now after getting support on the platform Reddit by WallStreetBets.

Due to this, the value of this coin in a single week has increased with a leap of 400%. To popularize Shitcoins, social media platforms can play a very important role and Dogecoin is the best example of this aspect. Many experts are giving positive forecasts for this coin.

  • Apecoin:

This coin was released this year and specializes in NFTs. Based on Ethereum Blockchain, this outlet offers some major NFTs to buy for the investors.

The coin provides utility features along with governance. Through, the users can also do online shopping. Due to this, the investors can get access to items from eBay, Amazon, and similar others. If they use this token to buy products, then they can get a discount of about 2%.

As per various forecasts, this is one of the best Shitcoins to get in recent times.

  • Shiba Inu:

Shiba is another Shitcoins that has been in the state of rising again after a fall in the past. Various experts are of the view that this coin is capable of doubling all your investments by the end of this year.

This meme coin is known as the killer of Dogecoin. It is so famous among investors even though it is full of risks. The developers of this coin are working hard to provide various new features and utilities to its users, which will make it more famous. Shiba, like other coins, is performing well in recent times and is attracting more investors.

  • Synthetix:

The original name of this was Heaven and is designed to make it more like a network of payment. This is a program that leads for digital assets, stocks, and other commodities for its users.

Investors can invest in this coin without having direct ownership of it. And it has a small market capitalization when we compare it with the other Shitcoins.

  • Ankr:

This platform has been in existence since 2017 and is a distributed computing outlet. The providers are given certain tokens, the names of which are ANKR. If any company has unused hardware, particularly, cloud-based companies, Ankr provides that as well.

The platform has a limitation of tokens of 10 Billion. And the investors who use the tokens of this platform earn rewards and get a source of passive income. If you put stakes in Ankr, it will enable you to get around thirty staking nodes. It is a good option for earning passive income along with being an investment option.


The Shitcoins may have less market capital, but they have high potential. Over time, these Shitcoins will grow to a considerable extent and these meme coins act as a light-hearted substitute for other serious projects.

But, as an investor, you should decide for yourself if you will invest in a meme coin like Shiba Inu which is risky at the same time. Carrying out a short research and tendency towards risk will determine the importance of these Shitcoins for you.