dusitD2 bags Kenya’s Best Business Hotel 2017

dusitD2 Nairobi has received global recognition from the World Luxury Hotel Awards after being awarded The Best Luxury Business Hotel 2017 in the country.

The world-class boutique hotel has positioned itself as the perfect urban retreat for both business and pleasure in Nairobi received the award for the second time, the first being in 2015.

The annual award ceremony that was held in Switzerland seeks to recognize luxury hotels for their world-class facilities, service excellence provided to guests and presentation.

Over 300,00 votes were tallied in this year’s awards from travelers and guests who visited the various luxury establishments that emerged as winners this year.

Commenting on the global accolade, dusitD2 Nairobi General Manager Michael Metaxas said that these awards recognize the hard work and team effort they have put in this year.

The hotel achieved the five-star rating in 2016 from the Tourism Regulatory Authority and has been operational in the country since September 2014.

dusitD2 Nairobi has managed to change the face of hospitality in Nairobi boasting unique signature events such as the Chocolate Festival, world-class facilities such as the Devarana Spa and the Rouge Deck, an outdoor red swimming pool.

“We are fully committed to continue innovating our services and setting a new benchmark for quality, exceptional service and innovation. In addition, we aim to develop our people and provide them with the support and inspiration they need to fulfill their capability. We believe that this award will not only inspire the confidence of our guests but will help us retain a loyal clientele in this highly competitive market through the support of the fantastic talent we have working at dusitdD2 Nairobi,’’ concluded Metaxas.