How To Add a Domain or Subdomain to Your VPS Using CyberPanel

How To Add a Domain or Subdomain to Your VPS Using CyberPanel

If you’re looking to expand your online presence by adding a new domain or subdomain to your Virtual Private Server (VPS) using CyberPanel, you’ve come to the right place.

VPS hosting offers the flexibility to host unlimited domains and subdomains under the same CyberPanel, allowing you to efficiently manage your online assets.

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of adding a domain or subdomain to your VPS using CyberPanel.

How to Add a Domain

There are two straightforward methods to add a domain or subdomain to your VPS using CyberPanel.

Method 1: Using Available Functions

1. Upon logging into your VPS, navigate to the Available Functions section of your CyberPanel.
2. Click on “Websites” and then select “Create Website.”
3. Fill in the website details, including the package, owner, domain name, email address, PHP version, and any additional features.
4. Once you’ve entered all the necessary information, click on “Create Website” to add the domain to CyberPanel.

Method 2: Using the Control Panel

1. Alternatively, you can access the website creation functionality by navigating to the left side of the control panel.
2. Click on “Websites” and then select “Create Website” from the dropdown menu.
3. Input the required website details, such as the package, owner, domain name, email address, PHP version, and any additional features.
4. After providing all the necessary details, click on “Create Website” to complete the process.

Viewing Added Websites/Domains

Once you’ve added the domain or subdomain to CyberPanel, you may want to review the list of websites that have been added. To do this:

1. Navigate to the Dashboard and click on “Websites.”
2. Select “List Website” to view the complete list of websites and domains that have been added to CyberPanel.

By following these simple steps, you can seamlessly add a domain or subdomain to your VPS using CyberPanel, enabling you to expand your online presence and manage multiple websites with ease.

Whether you’re a business owner looking to expand your online presence or a web developer managing multiple projects, the flexibility offered by a VPS hosting and CyberPanel empowers you to take full control of your online assets.