How to Pay NHIF Via MPesa 2023

How to Pay NHIF Via MPesa 2022

You can easily make your contributions to NHIF via MPesa for the contributions for the voluntary and self-employed. 

How to Make NHIF Contributions Via M-Pesa

  1. Go to the M-Pesa menu and select the Lipa na M-Pesa option.
  2. Select the Pay Bill option.
  3. Enter NHIF Business Number 200222.
  4. Enter Account Number – This is the contributor’s National Identity Card Number.
  5. Enter the amount you wish to send and press okay.
  6. Enter your M-Pesa Pin
  7. Confirm if the details are correct then press okay
  8. After successful submission, you will receive a confirmation SMS from M-Pesa.

How to Check Your NHIF Status

For existing members, you can check your NHIF Account status on your phone easily;

  • Compose a new SMS
  • Type the letters “ID”, space, then your ID number (or passport number if applicable) e.g ID 12345678
  • Send to 21101