Local Innovators, Entrepreneurs To Benefit From ICT Authority, Whitebox Boot Camp

Local innovators and entrepreneurs will benefit from a two-month boot camp that will be organized by ICT Authority, Whitebox, and The Kijiji.

The ICT Authority, a state corporation that falls under the ICT Ministry docket was established in 2013 with a primary mandate to streamline all government ICT functions.

Whitebox, on the other hand, was established in 2018. The platform was conceptualized as a forum for professionals such as academicians, lawyers, techies, and innovators, among other intellectuals, to share ideas and drive conversations that can be pursued to offer solutions for local problems.

The existence of Whitebox, furthermore, is the need by the government to centralize procurement of IT solutions, as well as the ever-increasing number of Kenyan-based IT innovations, which, according to the government, can be taken advantage of in delivering its agenda.

It targets to link these groups of people and create a space where they can gather and brainstorm ideas and innovations that can be tested by experts in the government. If feasible, the ideas can then be absorbed in whichever sector they purpose to serve.

The Boot Camp

The boot camp, as said, will last for two months and will serve as a training course for early and mid-stage entrepreneurs which will be conducted twice per week.

Applicants are invited to apply for the course before 9th August.

More details about the application process can be accessed through email (communications@whitebox.go.ke).

However, the training will be limited to 350 members meaning that there will be a panel to vet the most qualified entrepreneurs and innovators.

Among the areas that will be covered include innovation, brand-building strategies, grants, and funding.

Lastly, the groups will get to have access to Whitebox partners, including iHub, CA, The Ministry of ICT, and Posta Kenya.