Twitter to introduce new feature to untage yourself from

Twitter is set to introduce a new feature that will allow users to remove themselves from photos or videos they don’t want to be associated with. This move is a response to growing concerns about online privacy and the potential for images and videos to be used without consent.

The new feature, called “Untag Yourself,” will allow users to easily remove their tags from photos and videos shared on Twitter. Once a user has untagged themselves, their name and profile picture will no longer be associated with the content. The feature will also prevent the content from appearing in the user’s timeline or search results.

Twitter’s decision to introduce this new feature is a significant step towards protecting user privacy. In the past, users who wanted to remove themselves from unwanted photos or videos had to take drastic measures, such as deleting their entire Twitter account. The “Untag Yourself” feature provides a much simpler and more convenient way for users to take control of their online presence.

The feature is expected to be rolled out to all Twitter users in the coming months. It is a welcome addition to the platform and will provide users with much-needed control over their personal data.

Here are some additional details about the “Untag Yourself” feature:

  • The feature will be available to all Twitter users, regardless of their account type.
  • Users will be able to untag themselves from photos and videos that they have been tagged in, as well as photos and videos that they have been shared in.
  • Once a user has untagged themselves, their name and profile picture will no longer be associated with the content.
  • The content will also be removed from the user’s timeline and search results.
  • The “Untag Yourself” feature will not affect the original poster of the photo or video. They will still be able to see the content and share it with others.

Twitter has not yet announced a specific date for the rollout of the “Untag Yourself” feature. However, it is expected to be available to all users in the coming months.[Twitter to introduce new feature to untag yourself from]

Executive Summary

Twitter is launching a new feature that will allow users to untag themselves from posts. This move comes in response to growing user concerns about privacy and the ability to control their online presence. The new feature will give users more flexibility and control over how their content is shared. It is also likely to have a positive impact on user engagement and satisfaction.


Twitter is a popular social media platform with over 200 million daily active users. Users can share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences with others by posting tweets. Tweets can include text, images, links, and videos. Users can also interact with other users by retweeting, replying to, or liking tweets.

One common way that users interact with others on Twitter is by tagging them in posts. When a user tags someone in a post, the tagged user is notified and the post appears in their timeline. This can be a useful way to share content with others or to start a conversation. However, it can also be a source of annoyance or harassment.

Features of the New Untagging Feature

Untag Yourself from Posts

Users will be able to untag themselves from any post in which they are tagged. This will remove the post from their timeline and prevent it from appearing in their search results.

Control Who Can Tag You

Users will be able to control who can tag them in posts. They can choose to allow anyone to tag them, only people they follow, or no one at all.

Report Abusive Tagging

Users will be able to report abusive tagging to Twitter. Twitter will investigate these reports and take appropriate action, such as removing the post or suspending the user who posted it.

Educational Resources

Twitter will provide educational resources to help users understand how to use the new untagging feature and to protect themselves from abusive tagging.

Phased Rollout

The new untagging feature will be rolled out in phases. It will be available to all users by the end of the year.

Benefits of the New Untagging Feature

Increased Privacy

The new untagging feature will give users more control over their privacy. They will be able to prevent others from sharing their content without their permission.

Reduced Harassment

The new untagging feature will help to reduce harassment on Twitter. Users will be able to untag themselves from any post that is harassing or abusive.

Improved User Experience

The new untagging feature will improve the user experience on Twitter. Users will be able to control what content appears in their timeline and to avoid content that they find offensive or irrelevant.

Increased User Engagement

The new untagging feature is likely to lead to increased user engagement on Twitter. Users will be more likely to share content if they know that they can easily untag themselves from any post that they later regret.


Twitter’s new untagging feature is a positive step towards improving user privacy and safety. It will give users more control over their online presence and help to reduce harassment on the platform. The new feature is likely to be well-received by users and it is expected to have a positive impact on user engagement and satisfaction.

Keyword Phrase Tags

  • Twitter untagging feature
  • Untag yourself from Twitter posts
  • Control who can tag you on Twitter
  • Report abusive tagging on Twitter
  • Twitter privacy settings