7 Effective Online Marketing Strategy to Support Business

7 Effective Online Marketing Strategy to Support Business

The Internet of Things (IoT) brings major changes to business development in the world. You can do many things by relying on the internet, from looking for trend references that are being loved, doing online marketing strategies, to getting business capital loans.

In this article, I would like to introduce some effective online marketing strategies and easy to implement, namely:

Content Marketing

Content Marketing
Content Marketing

Content marketing is a business strategy that provides information about the business in question. The information can be in the form of product history, the latest innovations that suit the community’s needs, benefits, tips, product care tutorials, and much more.

This online marketing strategy must be packaged attractively with visual formats (infographics and comics) and audiovisuals (video reviews and advertisements).

Currently, modern business people are increasingly creative in presenting content marketing in the form of product reviews (unboxing) and web series.

Visual Marketing

Actually, visual marketing is the development of a content marketing strategy with a focus on visual content.

The minimal interest in reading in the country makes visual marketing strategies more effective because they are easy to understand and can reach all ages.

Businesses that want to use a visual marketing strategy must have staff who are experts in video editing and visual design. As a result, the business can show impressive personal branding in the eyes of the public.

Mobile Marketing

Similar to visual marketing, mobile marketing is also the result of developing the concept of content marketing. This online marketing strategy targets the target market of smartphone and tablet PC users.

The hallmark of mobile marketing is the display of content that is mobile-friendly, right on target, and not too complex so that it is comfortable to listen to through mobile devices. The visual concept of mobile marketing is also designed in such a way that it looks attractive and makes netizens feel at home for long accessing information from mobile devices.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is an online marketing strategy using certain keywords that many netizens use in search engines. Until now, SEO has played an important role in increasing the popularity of the business. For example, a business brand that carries spicy chips products uses the keywords “benefits of spicy food” and “cheap spicy chips” so that their products appear on the top page of search engines.

In addition to relying on certain keywords, SEO techniques must also be accompanied by relevant content and an adequate length of text. In general, content that contains a minimum of 600 words is easier to appear in search engines than content that is shorter in content.

Drip Marketing

Drip marketing (also known as continuous marketing) is a business marketing strategy that is often carried out slowly and takes a long time, just like waiting for water droplets.

This online marketing strategy is usually done through email and social media. The marketing team prepares material to be sent or published repeatedly over a long period of time. So that businesses can build personal branding while attracting people to buy their products or services.

For example, online job vacancies portals always provide light, up-to-date information, and are in accordance with viral trends to arouse the interest of the younger generation of job seekers.

Native Advertising (Native Ads)

The appearance of advertisements on web pages is indeed annoying. That is why innovation in the form of native advertising is presented as an online marketing strategy that does not interfere with the comfort of netizens.

Native advertising is a marketing strategy in the form of advertisements that are displayed by following the format according to the website layout or media placement in question.

For example, a website that discusses women’s lifestyles contains a sanitary napkin ad at the bottom of the website with a banner design that is very similar to the appearance of the website.

Native advertising is a big revolution in the advertising world because it looks more like content than advertisements so that netizens are more intrigued to find out more information about these ads.

Integrated Digital Marketing

The combination of several online marketing strategies is known as integrated digital marketing. Businesses that use the concept of integrated digital marketing usually take advantage of all digital resources, ranging from blogs, social media (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Tiktok), personal contacts (WhatsApp), and other applications.

So that netizens can more easily access the business for various needs, ranging from listening to information, placing orders, making product reviews, to submitting complaints.

The integration of the online marketing system indirectly shows that the business brand is credible and professional compared to competitors without the same strategy.

Among these online marketing strategies, which ones have you implemented to increase the popularity of your business? Don’t be lazy to explore various online marketing strategies in order to get the best results.