How To Create Planners To Sell

How To Create Planners To Sell-2

Planners have become a go-to tool for many looking to organize their lives, boost productivity, and achieve personal goals. 

Given their importance in our day-to-day routines, there’s a growing market for diverse and personalized planners. 

For those thinking about diving into this opportunity, there are two main routes: crafting your own unique planner or taking a shortcut with pre-made options. 

The latter, especially sourcing done-for-you (PLR) planners, can be a real-time-saver, letting you get started without the heavy lifting of the design process. 

In this article, we’ll explore both paths, ensuring you’re well-equipped to start selling.

Understanding the Demand for Planners

Let’s start with the basics: why do people love planners? 

Simply put, they’re the silent assistants in our busy lives. Some folks use them to jot down daily tasks, while others plan out their entire week or month. There are even specialized planners for things like workouts or meal plans. What’s more, everyone has a preference. 

Some prefer a basic layout, while others search for planners with extra bells and whistles, like habit trackers. 

Understanding these preferences is key. By pinpointing what potential buyers want, you can create or choose a planner that truly meets their needs.

Sourcing Done-For-You (PLR) Planners

Diving into the planner business doesn’t always mean starting from zero. Enter PLR or Private Label Rights planners

So, what’s the deal with these? 

In short, PLR planners are ready-made templates you can purchase and rebrand as your own. It’s like buying a blank canvas with a faint sketch, allowing you to add your unique touches.

Now, there are some pretty solid reasons to consider PLR. First off, they’re a massive time-saver. 

Instead of designing every page, you’ve got a head start. You can then focus on tweaking the design or adding special features. This also means you can hit the market faster, getting your planner into buyers’ hands sooner.

However, it’s crucial to choose the right PLR product. Not all are created equal. Take some time to research. 

Look for reputable PLR providers, check out reviews, and ensure you understand the rights. Some PLR options allow extensive customization, while others might have restrictions.

Once you’ve got your PLR planner, make it stand out. Add unique design elements, or perhaps a fresh color scheme. This personal touch will give your planner its identity, helping it appeal to potential buyers.

Creating Planners from Scratch

If you’re aiming for a truly personal touch, crafting a planner from the ground up is the way to go. 

Starting with a clear idea is essential. Maybe you’ve spotted a niche, like planners for avid gardeners or busy parents. Once you have that theme in mind, the real fun begins.

Design is the heart of your planner. Decide on the layout first. Do you want daily pages, a weekly overview, or a monthly spread? 

Think about the extras too. Maybe a section for notes, a habit tracker, or a goal-setting area.

Now, while design is crucial, so is user-friendliness. Easy-to-read fonts, clear sections, and a logical flow make a planner more usable. 

Tools like Canva or Adobe InDesign can help bring your vision to life. These platforms are beginner-friendly, and with a bit of practice, you’ll be designing like a pro.

The finishing touch? Decide how you want it presented. Digital planners are becoming popular, but there’s still a love for classic printed versions. Spiral-bound or hardcover, the choice is yours.

Remember, creating your own planner gives you total control. It’s a chance to offer something unique to the market, tailored exactly to what you believe users need and want.

Testing and Getting Feedback

Before you jump into selling, there’s an important step: feedback. Think of it as a safety net. No matter how great your planner seems to you, it’s vital to see how others find it.

Start by sharing your planner with a small group, maybe friends or family. They’ll give you an honest first impression. Listen to their feedback on everything – from design to functionality.

Want a broader perspective? Use social media. Create polls or short surveys and encourage people to share their thoughts. This way, you’ll gather diverse opinions, helping identify any common issues or suggestions.

Making changes based on feedback might feel like backtracking, but it’s a forward move.

Tweaking your planner based on real-world input ensures it’s user-friendly and meets the needs of your potential customers. 

So, gather feedback, make necessary changes, and then you’re all set to take the next step in your planner journey.

Pricing and Selling Your Planner

Alright, your planner is ready and refined. Now, let’s talk business: setting the right price and finding your audience.

First, pricing. It’s a balance. You’ll need to cover production costs, but also stay competitive. Research what similar planners are selling for. Consider factors like material quality, size, and special features.

Next, where to sell? Platforms like Etsy are great for unique items, while Amazon offers a vast audience. 

However, don’t underestimate the power of your own website. It allows for personal branding and direct interaction with customers. Promotion is key. Share about your planner on social media, collaborate with influencers, or even offer launch discounts. These strategies can boost initial sales and spread the word.

In essence, pricing right and choosing the best platform to sell will play a huge role in your planner’s success. Pair that with effective marketing, and you’re on a promising path.


So, there you have it – the ins and outs of diving into the planner business. 

Whether you’re harnessing the convenience of PLR options or crafting your very own unique design from scratch, the planner world is ripe with opportunities. 

Remember, it’s not just about creating a pretty layout but understanding what users need and providing value. 

By listening to feedback, pricing it fairly, and using the right platforms for selling, you’re well on your way to making a mark in this bustling market. 

In the end, it’s about offering a tool that helps people streamline their lives and achieve their goals. So, take that passion and creativity, and turn it into a planner that truly resonates. Here’s to your success in the planner journey!

About author: This article was published by Paul Lian the author of the Way To Changes blog. Visit his blog for more great money-meaning tips and strategies.