Mozzart Bet Kenya is one of the fastest-growing betting firms in the country owing to its user interface allowing users to easily deposit and withdraw funds. Proxy croxy
The platform allows users to easily register on their platforms using their web portal or using Mozzart Bet mobile App.
How to register on Mozzart Bet
- Visit Mozzart’s web portal or using Mozzart Bet mobile App
- Input your details – mobile number and password
- Read & accept the terms and conditions
How to deposit money on Mozzart Bet via MPesa
You can easily deposit money to Mozzart Bet using Safaricom’s MPesa service, here’s how to do it.
- Go to M-Pesa menu on your phone, select “Lipa na M-Pesa”.
- Select“Paybill”.
- Select “Enter business no. and enter Mozzart Bet Paybill number 290059
- Next enter “Mozzartbet” as the account number and press “OK”.
- Enter the amount you want to deposit and press “OK”.
- Key in your M-Pesa PIN and press “OK”.
- Confirm all the details are correct and press “OK”
- You will receive a verification window from M-Pesa where you have 1 minute to verify that the details are correct, if correct, dismiss or ignore, if wrong, enter the number 1 and press OK to cancel the transaction.
- You will receive a confirmation sms from M-Pesa immediately.
- MozzartBet will then send you a confirmation SMS shortly.
How to Deposit chap chap via the Mozzart Bet website.
- Visit website
- Login to your account
- Click on ACCOUNT
- Tap on DEPOSIT
- Enter the desired amount
- Click on DEPOSIT button
- You will receive a pop from M-Pesa asking if you want to pay money into Mozzart Bet
- Enter your M-Pesa PIN
Funds will be deposited in your account
How to withdraw funds Via MozzartPesa Mkononi
Pesa Mkononi enables all MozzartBet participants to enjoy FREE Deposits and Withdrawals at their favorite MozzartBet shop near them.
To withdraw funds via Pesa Mkononi
- SMS; R#1000#2001#5858 (where R represents the command, 1000 the amount you would want to withdraw, 2001 represents the point of sale or shop you would want to collect the funds from and 5858 is your Mozzartbet Pin Code).
- You will receive a withdrawal confirmation sms from Mozzartbet with a secret payout code which you must give the cashier to issue you the cash.