Lorraine Onduru replaces Janet Kemboi as Uber East Africa PR lead

Lorraine Onduru, who served as Hill&Knowlton Strategies’ (H+K) Account Director working in Kenya and Ghana while representing clients drawn from a diverse number of sectors and industries including Visa, Google, General Electric (GE), Emirates, Access Bank, Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Twitter and MasterCard, has left the PR agency and moved to Uber.  

In a short update on her LinkedIn account, Ms Onduru stated that she’s joined the ride-hailing platform as the communications lead for East Africa.

“Super excited to begin my journey at Uber as communications lead for East Africa. Looking forward to an amazing ride!”

By moving to Uber, Onduru effectively fills the position left vacant after the departure of Janet Kemboi early this year. Ms Kemboi has since joined Facebook as the Communications Manager in its office in Dublin, Ireland.

In late September, Onduru had announced on Facebook that she would be leaving H+K Strategies, where she began her (PR) career, over 8 years ago.

“After 8 years and 9 months, the curtains close on my time at H+K. What a journey! I’ve learned a lot, met some lovely people and had experiences that God has used to make me a better communications professional. So grateful and looking forward to my next adventure! Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God alone).”

Onduru joined H+K Strategies in late 2010 as an Account Executive. She was then made an Account Manager 2 years later in October 2012, a role she’d hold for the next 3 years. In April 2014, she was seconded to H+K’s Ghana office as an Account Director with the responsibility to grow the agency’s footprint in that market. She came back to Kenya a year later while still serving to hold the same position.

Source: aptantech