Tigo expands the deployment of 4G LTE technology in Tanzania

Tanzania’s telecommunication company Tigo has invested over US$ 75 million on the network expansion and quality improvement by scaling up its 4G and 3G sites, fiber network as well as increasing the number of customer service outlets in the country.

Tigo 4G LTE which became operational since April last year in Dar Es Salaam has since expanded to Arusha, Tanga, Dodoma, Morogoro, Moshi, Mwanza, Tabora, Musoma, Bukoba, Kigoma and Shinyanga and plans are underway to cover all major cities before the end of this year.

The 4G LTE network significantly 5 times faster compared to the 3G technology as it enhances the customer experience in in high definition video streaming by providing faster internet speed to surf and download content and in making uninterrupted Skype calls.

The network is now expected to in a stable mobile internet connection that eliminates the past frustrations of internet buffering, thus ensuring seamless and reliable data access especially with the current partnership with between Tigo and YouTube where customers enjoy free video streaming at night.

Tigo General Manager, Diego Gutierrez says that the expansion of 4G technology to all corners of the country is in line with their commitment to provide the customers with world class services that enable them to enjoy a fully digital lifestyle.

“The countrywide expansion of 4G once again demonstrates not only Tigo’s leadership in delivering cutting edge technology and innovation in Tanzania but also emphasizes our commitment to increase access to the Internet to as many Tanzanians as possible,” says Gutierrez.

He says that Tigo is currently embarking on a network modernization program which includes increasing capacity to all the 12 4G LTE covered cities as well as increasing considerably the 3G coverage countrywide and optimizing the 2G network.