What to do to remain organized when working with Influencers

What to do to remain organized when working with Influencers

Influencer marketing campaigns, particularly large ones, can become quite chaotic when you’re not organized. Think about it, Instagram influencers publishing content for brands on the site, Youtube influencers making videos showcasing your product as well as agencies or marketing teams at the centre and tons of data to track.

It is good to know that there are wonderful ways to be organized when conducting influencer advertising campaigns. It might cost longer and more effort in the beginning to establish the habits and systems that help you stay well-organized and efficient, but it will make the rest of your campaign much easier.

Discuss all the aspects of your campaign together with your team

If you are working with a marketing team or other employees of your business, be sure that everyone is on the same page with regard to your marketing campaign. The first thing to determine is the purpose you wish to accomplish. Next, you need to outline your plan of action to reach it.

When you develop your strategy by identifying the key elements, it will aid in guiding your strategy to keep you organized and allow you to make more informed choices down the line. Some things to think about include:

  • Who is my target audience?
  • Which social media platform is the best to connect with them?
  • What is the cost I can offer influencers as an incentive?
  • What is it I would like to highlight about my brand or product?

Input this information and ensure that everyone in your team is on board and knows the route you’re going to take. This is an issue today more than ever because many are working remotely and battling another set of issues triggered by the Covid-19 virus. Virtual solutions such as Evernote could help. Like always, communicating is essential.

Create an analytics program as well as the associated data

Another great tip for keeping your campaign on track is to consider planning ahead right from the beginning. To measure your progress, you’ll need to keep track of and analyze the results. To do that, you’ll most likely need analytics software.


Pick a platform like Google Analytics for example, and get familiar with its features of it. Numerous analytics platforms provide online classes for free to bring you up to speed. Consider what kind of information you’ll have to integrate to your campaign to measure success.


UTMs for instance let you know which traffic is coming to your website from which websites. For campaigns where the goals are sales, you should create special discount codes so that you can determine which influencers generate the highest revenues. Branded hashtags and mentions of brands can assist in collecting publications later on.

Make use of as an influencer marketing platform

It is possible to assess influencers directly via social media. However, it requires longer and more energy particularly in campaigns that collaborate with multiple influencers at the same time. You’ll need to filter through the social media accounts and make spreadsheets. Additionally, you’ll need to manage the process with your team members via emails or messages.

There’s a better method of completing all these tasks at one time. It’s called an influencer marketing platform. This kind of software lets you find influencers and analyze them directly on their profiles. Review the engagement rate, their audience authenticity, as well as the other metrics that are important to them all in one location.

Additionally, once you’ve got certain results, you are able to arrange the influencers into lists. Check their stats against other influencers and then add notes, ratings, or statuses to keep everyone in your team on. Additionally, you can download your lists in CSV as well as XLS files to track influencer outreach.

Automate influencer outreach and make use of templates

Another method to keep your organization in order is to automate how you communicate with influencers. If you’re just searching for a couple of influencers This may not be required. For campaigns that affect numerous people, this could be a hassle in the short term.


There are many methods to make outreach more efficient. If you’re using G-Suite an excellent free tool is called Yet Another Mail Merge also known as YAMM. YAMM is integrated directly into Google Sheets and Gmail templates to create personalized emails to several influencers simultaneously. The extension then displays the status of each email, so you’ll know who’s read the emails you sent, and who has replied and which emails were unable to be delivered.


Choose a template that you’ll use for your email to influencers and then personalize the template as needed. Additionally, ensure that your team uses the same branding across all their contacts. These steps will give an organized look and ensure that you don’t become a spammer.

Follow your campaign’s media and report your results

When influencers begin to publish, gather the media they post. This will give you an idea of what your campaign will look similar to on various social platforms. It can also help you in the event you decide to share their content in the future. This can be done by hand or through software. Whichever method you choose, be sure that the procedure is in place prior to the date of launch.

When you are satisfied with your data, you can compile them into a campaign report. Include the KPIs that are related to your marketing objectives. Also, present a few examples of the content that influencers released.

Examine the results against your expectations and investment to assess the effectiveness of the campaign. If the results don’t match what you expected, don’t be discouraged. Be open to new possibilities and consider what you could discover for the next time.


An influencer marketing campaign may be chaotic at times, particularly when it comes to massive campaigns. There’s a chance of an unexpected event that could be something that you cannot be able to control. However, if you can organize your human team as well as your online platforms to work toward the goals you’ve set then you’ll be better ready to take on whatever challenges come up.