For people and businesses globally, WhatsApp is now where business gets done. Whether it’s a mom-and-pop shop or a Fortune 500 company, businesses of all sizes today rely on WhatsApp to help their customers.
WhatsApp has now launched “Companion Mode” feature on WhatsApp Beta users which allows you to link a new device with the same account on an existing phone.
This means that you can simultaneously use two different devices with one WhatsApp account and phone number. This feature isn’t something new for instant messaging apps as Telegram already has it.
If the feature is live for your phone, you will see a “Link with your phone” option, where the app will ask you to scan a QR Code similar to WhatsApp web or the desktop app. After you link your phone, your chats will get synchronized on the linked device. However, some of the options — view live locations, manage broadcast lists and stickers — will not be available as this is just a beta version.
You can link up to 4 devices at once and more than two smartphones to the same WhatsApp account. A wider rollout is expected to happen in the coming days. For now, though, only select beta users can test out this feature.